In late summer 2016, the extraordinary flamenco cuadro Arte Kanela - made up of renowned trio, brothers Johnny & Richard Tedesco and Chantelle Cano - hosted an intimate performance in their family bar. Joined by special guests Francesca ‘La Chica’ Grima and Andrej Vujicic, direct from Seville, along with regular collaborators Joseph Batrouney and Nathan Slater, Arte Kanela celebrated the living, beating heart of flamenco puro through their fiery compositions and choreography.
Filmmaker Rhys Graham (Galore, Murundak, The Turning) captured the dedication onstage and behind the scenes of these artists and their passion for this sublime musical and dance form. This feature length film is a testament to the pure vision of Arte Kanela and their ability to take audiences deep into the heart and intensity of Flamenco.